The Lake Beseck Association Holiday Party is a wonderful event that allows neighbors to gather together to celebrate the holidays. Until recent, the party was traditionally hosted at the incredible 13,000 square foot home of the former LBA president, Richard Boynton. He and his lovely wife, Layne now live part-time in Canada, and enjoy traveling in between. The one-time factory sits overlooking a dam on the Coginchaug River. Mr. Boynton purchased the 1798 mill in 1994 to preserve a wonderful piece of local history, and converted it to his residence. Dick has always loved to entertain, and enjoys giving tours of his magnificent home. The narrated tour of this beautiful property is a real treat for anyone who joins the event as a first timer. This year, Dick was excited that his calendar was open to host the party this year, and was very happy to see all who were able to join. We appreciate Dick & Layne's generosity of once again opening their Rockfall home for our Annual Lake Beseck Association Holiday Party.
