Hurricane Dorian, the topic of the week…it brushed south of Long Island bringing only a short downpour as we began our annual picnic, then cleared! A great turnout, lots of fun for the kids thanks to our new Activities Coordinator, Cindy Saraceno! Many thanks to all who help make this event happen every year, including Bobby Monthei, our grill master!
Photo courtesy Erica Fenwick

Lake Beseck Winter Festival 2016
One in a series of events celebrating Middlefield's 150th brought to you by The Lake Beseck Association and Middlefield Parks & Rec! Heartfelt thanks to our dedicated planning committee that met up over the months to pull this off - Jay Brown, Ron Frost, John Manning, Barb Neligon, Craig Orosz, Amy & Rob Poturnicki, Pete Sibley, Amy Sorensen, Lori Vogel. Additional thanks to Craig Orosz for providing awesome tunes for the event; Monique Plinck, Jen Brown and Lida Matthews who helped organize, judge and gave donations for the Doggie Costume Contest; Amy Sorensen, Nancy Davidson, Cindy DiLauro, and Susan Burkott who assisted with and gave donations for the Kids Workshops; Ridgeland Farms who added so much to the event with the magical Hay Rides during the snowfall; Rob Poturnicki, John Manning and Josh Beebe who kept everyone warm with their hard work on the Igloo Warming Center, Middlefield Park & Rec who donated the supplies, and Chris Hurlbert who made an emergency run to Home Depot for furring strips to keep the plastic in place during those high winds; Manchester Community College Culinary Arts Ice Carving Team, Marie Agresta & Dale McLeod; Sr. Fish Biologist, Tom Bourrett who provided DEEP C.A.R.E. ice fishing education; Middlefield Fire Department who provided Cold Water Rescue education; Smokin Skulls BBQ and Cherry Hill Smoke House for the incredible food; Special thanks to: Lions Club of Middlefield for providing the ice blocks for the ice carvers; Vincent Cahill and Sons Excavating for proving a place "to go"; Perma Treat Corporation for donating a bundle of slabwood for the bonfire, Groomin N Roomin for donating gift certificates for our Doggie Costume Contest winners, Middlefield Park & Rec for providing and installing safety fencing, providing recreational supplies, and free hot chocolate to all; Pete Sibley for additional Igloo Warming Center supplies; Town of Middlefield for the firewood donation and assistance with snow removal; Chris Hurlbert for providing additional firewood, delivery with help from Brian & Patrick McDermott; Additional donations: Kids craft supplies, candy - Lida Matthews, Diane Jakiela, Joan Santos, Amy Poturnicki; patio heating provided by Rick Sorensen; snow making, Rob Poturnicki; dog biscuit goodie bags, Amy Poturnicki & Cindy DiLauro, Posh goody bags from Ashleigh Schmaltz. A shout out to Chris Hurlbert, Director of Middlefield Park & Rec for opening up the beach for this special event...without someone like Chris who embraces fun activities like this, these events would not take place! Thanks to all for a successful Blizzard of 2016 Winter Sequicentennial Festival!
sponsored by The Lake Beseck Association
A day of fun at The Lake Beseck Association Picnic to celebrate the return of the Lake
following the completion of the Beseck Dam repair.
The Contestants - under age 12
The Winners: under age 12
3rd place...
2nd Place...
1st Place...
The contestants - over age 12
3rd Place...
2nd Place...
1st Place...
Additional Awards
Best Team...
Most Creative...
Many thanks to our panel of judges...
and WOW...Julia Orosz with her incredible voice who kicked off the race with The National Anthem...
3 Projects One Day
June 13 2015
In addition to a Storm Drain Stenciling Project hosted by the Lake Beseck Environment Committee, two other project were tackled with the help of Lake Beseck Association, and Middlefield Park & Rec, and Troop 33 Boy Scouts! Cement pads were poured for new centralized mailboxes and the Snack Shack at Beseck Beach got some sprucing up! Much was accomplished in a little over 4 hours!
Sponsored by Lake Beseck Environment Committee
A great turnout for the Storm Drain Stenciling Project in an effort to raise awareness about storm drains and how rainwater can transport pollutants into over 200 these drains that flow into Beseck Lake.
A storm drain is typically attached to a network of underground pipes designed to control flooding by transporting storm water to a water body. Many people are unaware that these type of drains flow directly into rivers, lakes, streams, sounds, or oceans. When it rains, the runoff transports debris, chemicals, pet waste, street litter, oil, leaves, grass clippings, dirt, fertilizers and more into these storm drains. Pollutants that enter the storm drains do not get treated before emptying into a water body, and have a negative impact on water quality – (algal blooms, aquatic weed growth, bacteria, sedimentation, etc) By stenciling messages near storm drains, it helps to raise awareness about how we can take part in improving the waters around us.

After a long cold snowy winter it was nice to see so many families out during the annual LBA sponsored Easter Egg Hunt at Beseck Beach. This year we had over 30 children participate in gathering Easter eggs that were scattered throughout the beach. Many thanks go out to Amy Sorensen for an awesome job putting this together every year!

Despite hot weather and no lake, we still had a great turn of about 100 people that trickled in throughout the day. We saw a few new faces, kids got a chance to soak First Selectman Jon Brayshaw for $10, they participated in a sand castle contest, got their faces painted, did crafts, the community had a chance to speak to our leaders about lake efforts, and we all enjoyed a nice bbq with the company of our neighbors.
(click photos to expand)
The Turion Project
May 3 2014
An environmental and educational activity that was geared toward invasive plants of Beseck Lake and the prevention of thousands of new Curlyleaf pondweed plants through the cleanup of "turions".

Ask a Scientist Workshop
April 22 2014
People came out to learn a bit about Beseck Lake from scientists at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Mark June-Wells, Ph.D.- Limnologist and Plant Ecologist, New England Environmental, Inc. and Ed Bailey, Middlefield Second Selectman.
LBA Easter Egg Hunt at the beach
April 2014
Lake Beseck Association Holiday Party
Dec 15 2013
After summer activities wind down, it's great to get out and celebrate the holidays with LBA friends.
Cardboard Boat Race
sponsored by Middlefield Parks & Recreation
Sept 7 2013
The Boats
12 and under
The over 12 category
1 2 and under category
1st Place-The 3 Amigos (Amigo 1)
2nd Place-a tie!
The 3 Amigos (Amigo 3) & Team O
3rd place-Dugan Birthday Cake
Over 12 category
1st Place-Viking
Alan Brayshaw
2nd Place-Lake Environment Committee/Lake Beseck Association
Rob Poturnicki
3rd Place-Team O
Craig Orosz
Cutest Kids-"M" & "L" Newton
Most Creative-S.S. Liberty
Cindy DiLauro & Cathy Kersten
Most Spectacular Sinking - a tie!
"One accidental, one intentional!"
Park & Rec Barge-Chris Hurlbert & Rob Poturnicki
Green Eggs and Ham-Jon Brayshaw
Best Team Effort-Team Dugan
LBA Parade & Picnic
July 27 2013
(click pics to enlarge)
Lake community preps for official beach opening of July 1 2013
June 29-30 2013
New as you drive by Lake Beseck Beach this summer, a beach shack. Its a fun snack bar, guard shack and place to purchase beach passes on the weekends.
Middlefield Parks and Recreation has a new beach shack in the works to be used on the weekends as a snack bar and guard shack for the summer. The concession stand was previously the Democratic Town Committee's potato booth at the Durham Fair. Many thanks go out to the DTC for their generous donation to Middlefield Parks and Recreation.
20 Lake Beseck Association volunteers came out to help with the cleaning, painting and decorating of the new Park & Rec beach shack. Volunteers also helped to place swim markers out in preparation for the official beach opening of July 1st.
Items were generously donated for the beach themed snack bar. Thanks go out to Jay & Denise Greening for donating the canoe and old wooden water skis, Lori Vogel for a hula girl and sandal chalk board and Helen Hartel for the awesome wooden oar.
Many thanks to all who came out to play, including State Rep. Buddy Altobello.
It's looking "beachy" out there!
Our pass checkers will now be able to stay cool while offering up beach passes, cold beverages and snacks. Stop by and say hello to Danny and Hunter, our new weekend guards for this year.
Beach passes can be purchased at the Town Hall during the weekdays. Passes are $25 per family. 62+ are free.
Trial Run with "Lake Rake" at Beach a success
May 26 2013
In an effort to help Middlefield P&R keep the beach swim area open for families this season, over a dozen people were invited out to assist with a trial run of the "Lake Rake" that was built by Rob Poturnicki for the purpose of removing invasive weeds from the beach swim area.
During the trial run, a boat hauled the weighted 12' long "Lake Rake" out into the water where it was dropped into the weeds and then pulled into shore with a rope attached to a 4wd vehicle. Once the lake rake reached the beach, volunteers quickly removed the weeds and placed them in a pile to de-water while other volunteers were in the water to capture any floating fragments.
Due to the success of the lake rake, future volunteer dates will soon be scheduled.
More pics of weed eradication efforts
June 1 2013
DEEP CARE Family Fishing Class
May 4 2013
hosted by Middlefield Park & Rec
Families came out to learn about casting, knot tying, fish identification, regulations and then put their new knowledge into action.
CT Agricultural Experiment Station's Invasive Aquatic plant Workshop
April 2013
hosted by Lake Beseck Environment Committee
Lake clean-up April 2013
Lots of fun and camaraderie as Lake Beseck Association members cleaned up around the lake.
Safe Boating and PWC Class
hosted by Middlefield Park & Rec
About 20 students are currently undergoing a 4 segment boating safety class that will qualify them for a safe boating and PWC certificate. The course provides students with hands on experiences. In the pictures below, students learn how spark arrestors work, how wind and current make boat manuevering more challenging, learn the rules of navigation, take a look at nautical charts, learn about the various floation devices and what each type of pfd is rated for.
During the next segment, students will learn about launching a boat by backing a boat trailer through a course of cones.
Annual Beach Easter Egg Hunt
hosted by Lake Beseck Association
DEEP C.A.R.E. Ice Fishing Workshop 1-25-13
hosted by Middlefield Park & Rec