Lake Beseck Living

~All things Lake Beseck brought together in one informative space~

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Zoom Meeting of Lake Beseck Environment Meeting July 22, 2020


1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:04

2. Members Present

Richard Santos,  Amy Poturnicki,  Rob Poturnicki, Rebecca Adams-Rieder, Hannah Malcolm, Craig Lundell, Jim Irish, Kathy Kukowski, Scott MacDonald,  Larry Marsicano, Mark June-wells

3. Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve the June 24 minutes, without changes, make by Kathy Kukowski, seconded by Jim Irish. Passed unanimously.

4. Public Comment

No public was present.

5. AER , Larry Marsicano, overview of the annual report:  Beseck Lake 2019 Water Quality Monitoring

·       Larry presented an overview from the 2019 report including: temperature and oxygen dynamics, Secchi Disk transparency, algae dynamics, phosphorus and nitrogen levels and stratification, Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxin monitoring,  possible to treat algae with copper sulfate (but prevention by control of nutrient levels is better),  good news since 2014 general water quality has improved. For details, reference report.

·       Discussion of Secchi Disk testing procedure. Mark provided link for purchase of the disk and paper. Ed placed Secchi Disk on order and Larry will provide training for Hannah in August.

·       Mark June-Wells responded to question from Jim Irish about the best way to treat the nutrient levels. Treatment would be aluminum sulfate (alum) targeting late areas 5 meters or deeper. Composite testing would be needed for the treatment area (~ $3200 for testing).

·       Mark and Larry surveyed and confirmed that the plant growth within the swim area is much diminished. Hannah asked if this is due to the use of the mats. Mark and Larry both think the mats have been successful in plant reduction.

6. Updates:

Speed limit signs for the lake and boat ramp: Ed has Randy working with DEEP for placement in that area. Rob to talk with Rovers. One sign to be placed at beach.

Beseck North End, boat ramp, and beach issues: Ed discussed the temporary concrete blocks that were placed at the north end of the lake. They have been successful and will be removed late in the season. Deep has increased their presence at the boat ramp and placed a No Swimming sign at the dam. Ed noted that beach has been under control with the use of a pass checker to stop non-resident use.

7. Selectman Report

Ed discussed the problems at Wadsworth Fall, working with DEEP to solve the issues. Some improvements: banned alcohol from the park, installed a porta potty, require out of state visitors to purchase a day pass online for parking.  Situation improving.  Spending majority of time on Covid related issues including opening of schools.

8. Misc. Rick trying to clarify status of DEEP committee meeting on de-listing P. vaseyi and submitted email from Dawn Mckay to discuss. Mark June-Wells says email did not address our lake issues, need to find out about the committee and its members. Then reach out to them for discussion. Best to have someone spearhead representing the environment committee and our interests. Get people affected by plant problem mobilized to lobby the committee. Ed and Rob suggested creating a Friends of Lake Beseck Facebook page to mobilize and give everyone a means to advocate for the lake. Craig brought up the possibility of using aeration systems. Mark June-Wells explained that our lake is probably too shallow to allow for the mixing that we would be looking for.

9. Adjourn

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Rick Santos