Lake Beseck Living

~All things Lake Beseck brought together in one informative space~

Whether you are interested in family activities in the area, efforts being made toward issues such as weed control and algae of the lake, becoming a volunteer, or you want to stay on top of crime events in the area, this is the place to be.

Minutes of Lake Beseck Environment Committee June 24 2020


1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:18 p.m.

2. Members Present

Amy Poturnicki, Rob Poturnicki, Jim Irish, Craig Lundell, Kathy Kukowski, Rick Santos, Rebecca Adams, Ed Bailey

3. Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve the January 22 minutes without changes made by Rebecca Adams, seconded by Rob Poturnicki. Passed unanimously.

4. Public Comment

No public was present.

5. Beseck North End Getting Trashed

The committee discussed an issue with garbage left on the ground and in the lake from 5 cars of approximately 15 people that were drinking, using grills and swimming from a strip of private waterfront property that runs along Lake Rd on the north end. The group was said to have come from the private town beach after they could not verify residency for access. Other committee members shared similar incidents that have occurred including boat traffic being obstructed by swimmers at the state boat ramp; children on floats dangerously close to the spillway of the dam; and just this evening, police were contacted about a car that was parked on a residents front lawn in a second attempt to access the beach.  Ed said that these types of incidents are COVID driven and happening all over the state. He is working with DEEP to address some of the issues in town. The town’s immediate plan for Lake Rd, in lieu of installing additional guard rail, is to place 6 concrete blocks at the north end to prevent cars from parking on private property, and place traffic cones to block off access to the private residence. This should happen within the next 2 days. They are reluctant at this time to extend the guard rail in this location, as it would be permanent and would not allow the town to access this area for maintenance.  Ed is also looking into signage. The blocks will be removed in the fall. They will re-assess the situation next year. His thought is that a year from now, the pressure of where people are going to seek recreational facilities is going to be relieved.

6. Selectman Report

Ed gave a COVID update. Middlefield had 18 confirmed cases and no deaths due to COVID-19. Connecticut continues to head in a positive downward direction. Gov. Lamont and the governors of New York and New Jersey will be requiring a 14-day self-quarantine for travelers who arrive from 9 specific states with surging COVID-19 infections.

7. Election of Officers

The following officers were nominated and approved by the Committee:

Chair:  Rick Santos

Vice-Chair: Amy Poturnicki

Secretary:  Rebecca Adams

8. Meeting Dates

Motion to continue meeting on the 4th Wednesday of the month made by Ed Bailey, seconded by Rob Poturnicki.  Passed unanimously.

2020                                 2021

July 22                             January 27

August 26                        February 24

September 23                 March 24

October 28                      April 28

November 25                  May 26

December 23                  June 23

9. Misc.

The committee discussed ways to use up the remaining fiscal year end funds with First Selectman Ed Bailey including signs, mailers and flyers for littering, pet waste, and speeding on the lake.

Motion to spend up to $2,000 on environmental signs, mailers and flyers as a recommendation to the BOS made by Amy Poturnicki, seconded by Rick Santos. Passed unanimously.

10. Adjourn

Motion to adjourn made by Amy Poturnicki, seconded by Craig Lundell. Passed unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Amy Poturnicki