Lake Beseck Living

~All things Lake Beseck brought together in one informative space~

Whether you are interested in family activities in the area, efforts being made toward issues such as weed control and algae of the lake, becoming a volunteer, or you want to stay on top of crime events in the area, this is the place to be.

Scientist to study impact of drawdown on Lake Beseck aquatic plant community

​Mark June-Wells, Ph.D.  

​Mark June-Wells, Ph.D.  

Mark June-Wells, Ph.D. is looking forward to a unique study opportunity involving an anticipated transition in Lake Beseck's aquatic plant community.  

As the upcoming Lake Beseck dam repair project approaches, Dr. June-Wells' plan is to study the impact of the lengthy drawdown on our aquatic plant community.  He theorizes that perennial species of plants, such as our Eurasian Watermilfoil will disappear and annual species such as the Naiad population will become more dominant.  (see his abstract below)


Dr. June-Wells has ten years experience in the field of ecological restoration/management. His areas of expertise include pond/lake management, water-quality analysis, aquatic nuisance species control, sonar mapping, habitat assessment, and anthopogenic-impact identification/resolution. In addition to his applied experiences Dr. June-Wells is an E.S.A. certified ecologist with over a decade of theoretical plant ecology experience. He also brings vast experience in experimental design, statistical analysis, and plant species identification.

April 8, 2013

Beseck Lake Study Abstract

by Mark June-Wells

Aquatic plant community structure and the dynamics of species populations are a result of a variety of factors that control competitive interactions among species. During plant community establishment and development, environmental factors play a key role in determining which species thrive within the water body. Over time, the competitive interactions between plant species further influence variations in plant populations and the overall profile of the plant community. In mature communities, with relatively consistent environmental inputs, these interactions are at equilibrium and the overall plant community is relatively stable. Therefore, a major factor controlling mature, aquatic plant communities are environmental disturbances.

The impact of large-scale disturbances on aquatic plant community structure has, to date, never been fully resolved. Through this study, we intend to evaluate the impact of an 18-month drawdown on the abundance of aquatic plant species and the overall plant community structure in Beseck Lake, Middlefield, CT. Analysis of the plant community will take place over a three year period using 50 georeferenced points and 10 transects. Data collected will include plant species abundance, overall diversity, and a suite of abiotic variables (i.e. soil conductivity, pH, depth, light…etc.). Changes in the plant community and environmental conditions, including species/environmental correlations, will be determined using linear and unimodal regression techniques.

We hypothesize that a significant change in the plant community will occur where perennial species (i.e. Myriophyllum spicatum) will be extirpated by the disturbance resulting in a community assemblage consisting primarily of annual species (i.e. Najas spp.). Furthermore, we hypothesize that the diversity of the plant community will decrease significantly. Data collected during the three-year period following reintroduction of water will be used to evaluate these community structure hypotheses.



$2,464,800 approved for Lake Beseck Dam

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​During the March 13th Special Meeting of the State Bond Commission, ITEM 7 on the agenda, in the amount of $2,464,800 to the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection to finance repairs to the Lake Beseck Dam, resulted in a unanimous approval.

After the plan for Lake Beseck Dam is finalized by engineers, the project will go out to bid. The project is currently expected to begin somewhere in the vicinity of labor day, this summer. The project could last a year or more, depending on the working conditions that Mother Nature allows.

The Lake Beseck Environment Committee has been working to align lake projects with this rare draw down opportunity that would more easily allow for maintenance work in the silted areas of the lake. Despite erroneous reports in the news world suggesting that we are trying to dredge the entire lake, (which would cost millions that there is no funding for) we are looking at projects within possible reach that include money saving resource options that could afford us the opportunity to implement a couple of lake projects. We are waiting to see if we will be awarded an EPA Clean Water Act grant as well as Town funds that may provide just enough seed money to get us started on some things.

At this time, it is uncertain what will financially come to fruition to help the lake, but many are passionate about tackling the worsening silt, algae and weed problems that exist. We will know more in the next 2 months.

Stay tuned.

Despite many obstacles LBEC strives to move forward

It has been about a year since a meeting was held between the Lake Beseck Association, DEEP officials, Legislators, Town officials and Middlefield residents to discuss concern over lake quality issues and the status of an $87,000 grant that has been hanging in limbo for over 5 years.  

The grant, made available through the CT Lakes Grant Program, is a valuable resource to lakes with water quality issues.  The program helps to provide funds to lakes for abatement of eutrophication through the conduction of studies and creation and implementation of restoration projects.

$87,000 in funds for Lake Beseck were authorized by State Legislature in 2007, as well as other lakes, but were never allocated by the State Bond Commission.   

At the Feb 2012 meeting, Legislators and DEEP agreed to work on trying to get the lake grant on the State Bond Commission agenda to be bonded, but a plan was needed detailing how the money would be utilized on the lake.

Rep. Matt Lesser asked that a group be formed to take on the task.  Senator Len Suzio, suggested a 90 day goal be set to pull together a plan.  

As a result, the Lake Beseck Environment Committee was formed.  Members on this committee are current members of the Board of Selectmen, Board of Finance, Inland Wetlands, Economic Development, Public Works, Water Pollution Control Authority, Park & Recreation, Lake Beseck Association and our Sanitarian.  

In Feb. 2012, we heard sudden chatter that the $87,000 grant could go on the March 2012 State Bond Commission agenda.  The Lake Environment Committee worked aggressively to meet this new deadline.  March came and went without the grant going on the agenda and like the past several years, it is probably not likely that we will see these funds released in the near future.

With consecutive meetings since last Feb, it was not long before we experienced the complexities surrounding this endeavor.  It was a project involving many variables that without doubt would take much time, thought and consideration. 

During the past several months, our group has been focused on exploring various options to address the lake's weed and algae problem that have so many people talking.  A few examples include vortechnic units, dredging, aeration, suction harvesting, benthic barrier mats, a detention pond, aquatic herbicides, alum treatment, copper sulfate, and cost and implication factors involving each.  

With most of these potential options, we found DEEP requesting more comprehensive studies of the lake and its watershed to estimate the effectiveness of each. 

We specifically lacked water studies that are taken during a storm event.  This is a waiting game through dry periods, followed by a scramble to have resources available to properly collect samples during a sudden storm event.  Once collected, these water samples are analyzed to determine how much nutrient loading is coming from the lake bed vs the surrounding watershed.  This water study helps to predict how successful ideas such as a detention pond, algae treatment or aeration would potentially be.  In addition, the need for a scope of work was also requested by DEEP to accompany these collections.  

To follow up with DEEP's request, one of our Lake Beseck Environment members, Darin Overton, P.E. pulled together a comprehensive watershed management plan that was submitted to DEEP.  

This resulted in us learning about an EPA clean water act grant that we are qualified for as a 303(d) "Impaired" lake.  With only a few days before the deadline and the help of DEEP, Second Selectman, Ed Bailey and Darin Overton, we were able to get the paperwork submitted on time. 

This grant sounds to be a bit more promising than the one hanging in limbo from 2007.  If we obtain this grant, it will provide us with $30,000 toward the implementation of a watershed management plan.  We can also continue to apply for more money annually.  If awarded, the Town would have to match 40%.  The good thing about the match is that it can be in-kind.  We expect to hear something by the end of  March.

In the meantime, the wild goose chase has left us rubbernecking toward the subject of the dam upon learning that the DEEP may be draining the lake 12' or more to start needed dam repairs as early as this summer.  The dam project is expected to take 1 to 1-1/2 years.  

Despite the many obstacles, we strive to move forward with anticipation of a significant lake draw down and acknowledge that this could provide us with a rare opportunity to address the silted in areas of the lake that has accumulated from the watershed outfalls.   Our committee is currently exploring options and resource ideas to see if we are able to address some of these silted in areas.  Special permitting is required for this type of project, in addition to soil testing to evaluate possible contaminates.  The soil testing will determine how and where the soil can be relocated to.

We anticipate learning more about the dam project and Clean Water Act grant within the coming months.  This will give us a better idea of our direction.