Lake Beseck Living

~All things Lake Beseck brought together in one informative space~

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Minutes of Lake Beseck Environment Committee June 26, 2019


1. Call to Order

Meeting was called to order at 7:06 PM.

2. Members Present

Robert Poturnicki, Craig Lundell, Amy Poturnicki, Randy Bernotas, Rebecca Adams, Rick Santos, Hannah Malcolm, Scott MacDonald, Kathy Kukowski. Larry Marsicano was also present.

3. Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes of 2/27/19 without changes made by Rebecca Adams, seconded by Amy Poturnicki.  Passed unanimously.


4. Public Comment

No public comment was made.

5. AER Report - plant survey, benthic barrier permitting, HB6637

Larry Marsicano reported that the benthic barriers at the lake have now been removed; it remains to be seen whether such short-term use proves effective. Regarding homeowners interested in using barriers, Larry had a “cordial” conversation Dawn McKay of DEEP, explaining what we were doing to identify the state-listed endangered species, including surveying 112 spots that support plant growth. He pointed out that only 82 acres are shallow enough to support plants. He shared a map with the Committee that identifies “areas of concern,” where potamogeton vaseyi grows or might be growing.  Of the 112 spots, they found potamogeton vaseyi in 19 of the surveyed spots.


In response to a question from Randy Bernotas, Larry clarified that the state’s primary reason for protecting potamogeton vaseyi is based on maintaining the ecological diversity of the plant life in the state.  Jim Irish asked, if the plant can hybridize, how Larry knows they’re counting pure p. vaseyi rather than a hybrid.  Larry said Mark June-Wells would have to answer that in more detail, but that Mark is definitely taking that issue into consideration when identifying the plants.


Larry reported that he and Mark have completed most of the plant control application, although he still needs to include the individual site plans for the benthic barriers, which vary greatly in terms of the size of the area homeowners want to cover. Larry also indicated he would include herbicides and rakes in the proposal as well, to give the state additional options. He expects the state will come back with partial approvals and recommendations.


Jim Irish asked if there is such a thing as an herbicide that targets only the milfoil or the pondweed and leaves the p. vaseyi undamaged. Larry said he believes there might be a new product on the market that targets monocots and that he would ask Mark.


Larry also reported that HB6637 passed, a bill that provides municipalities and towns with matching  grants for invasive plant control initiatives

6. Watershed Sign

Amy showed committee members the final version of the watershed roadside sign notifying drivers that they are entering the watershed. She tested the size and visibility by driving past it and proposed making the sign larger. She and Ed Bailey identified seven places where the sign can be placed for easy viewing by drivers. Larry Marsicano offered to do a story on the signs for the CFL newsletter.


Motion to approve the watershed sign design and to approve the creation of nine signs and posting them at appropriate places, made by Amy Poturnicki and seconded by Rebecca Adams. Passed unanimously.


7. Cyanobacteria testing

Amy reported that Western CT State University will conduct cyanobacteria testing weekly, giving us the results on Fridays. Larry will also be doing testing in deeper water, counting cells.


8. Election of Officers

The following officers were nominated and approved by the Committee:

Chair:  Amy Poturnicki

 Vice-Chair: Craig Lundell

 Secretary:  Rebecca Adams


9. Meeting Dates for 2019/2020

Jim Irish pointed out that the Board of Education meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, which makes it hard for him to make all meetings. Amy noted she can only attend on Wednesdays, and that Jim does an admirable job making the meetings he can.


Motion to continue meeting on the 4th Wednesday made by Rebecca Adams, seconded by Craig Lundell.  Passed unanimously.


2019                                 2020

July 24                             January 22

August 28                        February 26

September 25                 March 25

October 23                      April 22

November 27                  May 27

December 25                  June 24

10. Misc.

Members discussed the proposed restaurant at the corner of Lake Rd. and Baileyville Rd.

 Members welcomed new member Scott MacDonald.

11. Adjourn

Motion to adjourn made by Robert Poturnicki, seconded by Amy Poturnicki. Passed unanimously.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

 Daria Vander Veer
