Lake Beseck Living

~All things Lake Beseck brought together in one informative space~

Whether you are interested in family activities in the area, efforts being made toward issues such as weed control and algae of the lake, becoming a volunteer, or you want to stay on top of crime events in the area, this is the place to be.



1. Call to Order

Meeting was called to order at 10:09 a.m.

2. Members Present

Amy Poturnicki, Craig Lundell, Kathy Kukowski, Randy Bernotas, Rick Santos, Jim Irish, Ed Bailey, Hannah Malcolm, Rob Poturnicki. Also present: Larry Marsicano - AER, Rep. Buddy Altobello

3. Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes of 9-25-2019 without changes made by Rick Santos, seconded by Craig Lundell. Passed Unanimously.

4. Public Comment - none

5. Ed - Drawdown Update

Ed spoke about the delay in the drawdown that as of Nov 16, is estimated at 5-1/2’, 2 weeks behind schedule. This was in part due to an error in paperwork that was sitting on the commissioner’s desk awaiting signature. Ed explained that as events unfolded, no action was being taken to draw the lake down. Ed put a call into the commissioner’s office. An admin located the paperwork needed to begin the drawdown and get it to Ed, who in turn faxed the order to those responsible for drawing the lake down. In addition, he also followed up with DEEP regarding staff not opening the valve due to claims that the “reach rod” will break and claims that there was a flow restriction that limited how far the valve could be opened.  On Nov 5, Ed and other committee members met with DEEP staff at the dam. This was when the 3’ drawdown level had been reached, and divers were present to remove the weir boards so the lake could continue to be drawn down to the 6’ level.  During the visit, Ed had a discussion with Dan Biron who dispelled the reach rod claim and explained that a few years back a collar sheared off from the reach rod but it was previously repaired and is no longer an issue. Ed also advocated the need for the valve to be open enough to achieve the drawdown in a reasonable period, as well as the need to install a proper gauge to read the level of the lake. Dan agreed to put into process a level gauge that would go inside of the valve chamber. No specific flow restriction was able to be obtained from Dan. Ed indicated that Dan stated that the dam could be purchased by the town for a dollar from the state. The committee briefly discussed the idea, weighing pros and cons of the town owning the dam, including potential liability issues. Ed felt it is good practice to do a cost/ benefit analysis of such things and offered to explore the idea a bit further.

Ed stated that he will be following up by writing a letter to the commissioner explaining the frustration with the whole drawdown process, and request that they establish a proper procedure for the drawdown, in writing.

6. AER - Benthic Barrier Permitting Update, Sediment Monitors

Larry gave an update on the benthic barrier permitting. Early in the summer AER was working on the premise that each of the homeowners would be the licensee, then somewhere in late summer/early fall there was a decision made that DEEP did not want to do that. They also did not want homeowners to install their own mats. They provided a special use license draft which was now requiring one licensee, by either AER or the Town who would indemnify the state, be named as additionally insured, conduct project oversight, complete end of the year project reporting. Amy stated that after receiving the news, most applicants backed out of the application. Only one applicant expressed interest in pursuing the project further. Ed said that given all the demands from the state, the only way this could now take place would be for the town to become the licensee, the town would have to hire the appropriate resources and have the homeowners reimburse the town for the contractors, required studies, etc.

Larry spoke about drawdowns as a tool to mitigate weeds, based on studies that he has been involved with. He also provided a follow up regarding sediment monitors that would provide moisture and temperature readings to begin collecting data that would determine when/if the lake is reaching optimal conditions that would allow freezing of the roots of invasive species during drawdown. CAES was willing to work with the committee and offered to deploy 3 sediment monitors this year, however, the equipment that they currently have only allows the data to be pulled from the device, typically at the end of the season, no real time monitoring. Greg Bugbee proposed that we could fund an upgrade for the Ag Station’s monitors and use their existing probes that would save us money. The cost would be approximately $600 each. The Ag Station was willing to pick up the data service plan at $150 per unit.

Motion to upgrade 2-3 sediment monitors to be deployed by CAES this year made by Amy Poturnicki, seconded by Rick Santos. Passed unanimously.

7. Review Beseck Drawdown Statute

The committee reviewed the language of the current drawdown statute. Larry Marsicano, AER expressed the advantages of extending the drawdown through January 31 to capture the coldest temperatures for better control of invasive aquatic plants. Rep. Buddy Altobello asked Larry to write a letter of recommendation requesting a modification of the current statute. He also requested a letter from First Selectman, Edward Bailey.

8. Misc. -none

9. Adjourn – adjournment at 11:39a

Motion to adjourn at 11:39a made by Ed Bailey, seconded by Kathy Kukowski. Passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Amy Poturnicki