Lake Beseck Living

~All things Lake Beseck brought together in one informative space~

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Beseck juvenile Bald eagle rescue

This morning, February 16, a juvenile Bald eagle was spotted off of Lake Rd by resident, Paul Konikowski. He observed the very large beautiful bird in a wooded area for quite some time. He shared the sighting with his neighbors. Cindy Saraceno, reached out to me about the bird asking if I could confirm it to be a juvenile Bald eagle. It was in fact, a beautiful second year eagle. I asked if it appeared ill or injured. They could not detect any visible signs of distress, however, it continued to stick around perched rather low to the ground, which is not necessarily abnormal. Residents kept a watchful eye as it hopped onto the ground while I put a call in to Christine Cummings at A Place Called Hope. I shared with her some photos taken by Cindy for any possible clues that might indicate that the bird was in distress. Christine diverted her travel plans from Middletown to Beseck Lake. She was on scene quickly, and identified that it had a wing injury. The female juvenile Bald eagle will receive a evaluation of the extent of its injuries.

Christine Cummings, A Place Called Hope responds to a downed juvenile Bald eagle.

We will keep everyone posted with updates below. Please also check out A Place Called Hope for updates.


If you would like to join me and Cindy in making a donation to this amazing rescue in any amount, here's a link to contribute to all the amazing work they do:

Other ways you can help:

You can select A Place Called Hope as a charitable organization through Amazon smile so they can receive donations of 0.5% from your eligible Amazon purchases.

You can adopt your favorite resident bird of prey! Sponsors will receive a Certificate of Adoption with sponsors name, a Photograph of bird chosen, the Bird’s personal story of survival and some general information about the Bird’s particular species.

You can donate supplies: Paper towels, stamps and wee wee pads are always a priority need.

What a great way to support a great cause!


Update, 2/16 4:15p from Christine...

"OK here's the good news, the wing itself is intact. The bad news is the blood where I thought the wing was injured was just from the injury which is up on the shoulder. The bird has a ginormous laceration with necrotic skin tissue. I have cleaned it up the best I could and medicated it and the bird will see the vet tomorrow. I am not sure what the cause is. It could be from another bird. Could be from a car? I don't know. But it is not fresh. She is 11 pounds underweight."


Update, 2/16 6:30p from Christine...

"So I went to my other vet because I really wanted to make sure nothing was broken and to see if he couldn't suture up the wound. The x-ray revealed nothing is broken and no lead shot pellet in the body. The wound has a lot of dead tissue so he will not be able to suture it until next week. In the meantime, I am going to be using special medications to soften the area and get rid of the dead tissue. All of this will prep for a surgical procedure. The bird is on injectable antibiotics"


Update, 2/16 A Place Called Hope fb page…


Update, 2/17 5:30p from Christine…

“We got a lot of food in her today. The wound looks horrible…I am anxious for her to be sutured. The problem is the area has too much dead tissue. The treatment is supposed to soften the skin tissue and debride the dead skin. The tissue needs to be pink and have good circulation to be able to suture…”

photo credit: A Place Called Hope
