Lake Beseck Living

~All things Lake Beseck brought together in one informative space~

Whether you are interested in family activities in the area, efforts being made toward issues such as weed control and algae of the lake, becoming a volunteer, or you want to stay on top of crime events in the area, this is the place to be.

11-13-13: Crime Watch Report - Snack Shack Vandalized, Rash of Shed Break-ins

Crime Watch Report 11-13-13: 

Snack Shack Vandalized at Beach, Rash of Sheds being Broken into

While airing the tires on the Snack Shack at the beach this evening, 4 puncture marks were discovered in each flat tire. Given the tires were known to be flat for a while, it is believed that this may have occurred around the same time that the October Vehicle Vandalism report went out, electrical wires to the snack shack were also found cut around that time.

Police have been notified and are investigating.

Please contact police at 860-349-9685 if you notice suspicious activity at the beach after hours, they want to be notified immediately.

In addition, Officer Mike Polansky wanted to make residents aware of a rash of recent shed break-ins in the surrounding area. However, no reports have been made at the lake as of yet. Please inform them if break-ins migrate our way.

Thanks for your help.